Wednesday, January 27, 2010

These are my people. This is where I come from...

I can't believe that January is almost over! And my favorite part of this month is the KISS Country's Chili Cook Off. This is one day out of the year where people from all over South Florida, rednecks and rebels alike, come together and get crazy over music, food, and of course alcohol. Good times are shared and even if you are not a country music fan, for that moment you are. No one looks at the color of your skin or where you come from but we unite together to have great time. Yes, this was my first "official" Cook Off, and was so happy to share it with the people I love the most. We partied from 2a.m. till 4 in the afternoon. Having the people I care about the most and some AWESOME music makes for the perfect day. Had a blast and can't wait till next year!
-Meg B

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Year. New Start.

Hello WORLD! Been so busy with everything and anything, and now that the new year is here; this is it. This is my year. I am starting my year with a bang, going to be getting another degree under my belt, and one step closer to my master's. Besides the normal new years resolutions, like loose weight and stay in shape, I plan to become a better Christian and do work for the Lord. So far so good! :) Found a new church to call home and absolutely love it!
Have plenty of homework, as usual, but wanted to update everything in the mean time. Trina, Stephen, and the baby came to visit last month and have some beautiful pictures of my lil baby niece. Can't wait to see them again in march!
Nuff said, post more later.
p.s. Did I mention that I am IN LOVE with this lil girl?!?!